Tuesday 11/2/25

8:00 AM - Registration Opens

9:00 AM - Welcome, Mihi

9:30 AM - Frameworks and tools for Māori data Privacy with Tahu Kukutai, Rogena Sterling, Lynell Tuffrey-Huia, and David Watts.

10:30AM - Paramanawa (Morning tea)

11:00AM - Case studies of data from Ngāti Tiipa with Vanessa Clark, Vanessa Teague, Ella Dewes, Heeni Kani, Mere Kepa, and Nicholas Jones

12:00PM - Reflections on Māori data privacy and its implications for our communities with Jesse Porter and Mere Kepa.

1:00PM - Lunch

2:00PM - Local Contexts with Kandy Wahanui-Peters, Xavier Forde, and Danny Paruru

3:00PM - Paramanawa (Afternoon tea)

3:15PM - Data Valuation with Tim Coltman and KatieLee Riddle

4:15PM - Sovereignty of cultural images with Larissa Renfrew

4:30PM - International impact with Maui Hudson

5:00PM - Networking event

6:30PM - The Future: beyond data sovereignty with Nanaia Mahuta, Andrew Sporle, Peter-Lucas Jones, Kaye-Maree Dunn, and Hautahi Kingi. Facilitated by Daniel Wilson.

Wednesday 12/2/25

8:00AM - Registration Opens

9:00AM - Welcome, Mihi

9:15AM - Māori algorithmic sovereignty with Paul Brown, Manakore Rickus-Graham, Ben Ritchie, and Dion O’Neale

10:15AM - Paramanawa (Morning tea)

10:45AM - Te reo large language models with Te Taka Keegan

11:45AM - Whānau/hapū AI: Nukutere model with Petera Hudson and Tiriana Anderson

12:45PM - Lunch

1:45PM - Ethical use of Indigenous data to generate equitable outcomes with Kiri West

2:15PM - Informing our digital identities with tikanga and mātauranga Māori with Danielle Lucas

2:45PM - Paramanawa (Afternoon tea)

3:00PM - Future research directions with Maui Hudson, Tahu Kukutai, and Te Taka Keegan. Facilitated by Paul Brown.

3:45PM - Mihi, close.